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Girls tell of sex session with Grand Prix boss

ghnbr1gv29 posted @ 2015年4月28日 14:49 in 未分类 , 105 阅读

The women Max Mosley nfl jerseys china paid to act out sado masochistic fantasies filed one by one into a court yesterday to defend their involvement in the German prison spanking sessions.

One said the kinky sex games with the 68 year old son of Fascist leader Oswald Mosley gave her 'the best feeling in the world'.

And the motorsport supremo himself admitted his obsession with the 'perfectly harmless' practices saw him speaking German or cheap nfl jerseys china with a mock German accent as he played out bizarre roles in the playlets he devised with five young prostitutes.

But in court yesterday four of the women known as A to D to protect their identities all robustly rebutted a Sunday newspaper claim that their 'private parties' had a Nazi or concentration camp theme.

One, a German woman who wore a Luftwaffe jacket, stockings and stilettoes for one of the scenarios, was 'insulted' at nfl jerseys china the very suggestion.

In Court 13 at the High Court in London, on the second day of the landmark breach of privacy case, the judge was told precisely what it was that attracted Mr Mosley, and the women, to a life of inflicting or receiving pain for sexual gratification.

Mr Mosley, president of the Federation Internationale de l'Automobile, is bringing the case against the News of the World after it arranged for secret film to be taken of a session on March 28.

Kinky wholesale nfl jerseys china sex games: (left to right) Woman D, Woman B and Woman C

The paper, which maintains the story was in the public interest and will defend the accusation, referred to a 'sick Nazi orgy with five hookers'.

Mr Mosley says it was a gross intrusion into his private life and is seeking an unprecedented award of punitive exemplary damages.

He, too, denies the Nazi theme. china wholesale nfl jerseys

He told Mark Warby, QC, for the newspaper: 'Had I wanted a Nazi scene I would have said I wanted one and 'A' would have got some of the inexpensive Nazi stuff from the joke shop that provides uniforms and would not have gone to Marks Spencer and got quite expensive jackets.'

It emerged that before the expose Mr Mosley was warned twice to take care because he was 'being investigated'.

The warnings came from Formula wholesale nfl jerseys One colleague Bernie Ecclestone and from former Metropolitan Police Commissioner Lord Stevens, who heads a security company.

But Mr Mosley said that if he was being investigated, he believed it was separate from any inquiries by the News of the World.

Yesterday the women all Mr Mosley's junior by 30 or 40 years admitted being paid for their services but denied being prostitutes.

Amid scenes of laughter and tears, they and their patron each described what they got up to in the Chelsea flat he financed as a venue for the parties.


This was the woman, the court heard, who organised the sessions and supplied the participants.

She and Mr Mosley had known each other for up to two years and 'bounced ideas off each other' for themes for their scenarios. She knew his identity but called him 'Mike' to protect him.

One of the sessions involved her dressing up as a judge and creating a mock courtroom scene, Mr Justice Eady was told.

In the real court yesterday, she wore stiletto heels and a tight woollen dress, and carried her own tissues to the witness box.

A heavy silver chain with a heart shaped locket was partly obscured by the long blonde hair she brushed constantly from her face.

Woman A, probably in her cheap nfl jerseys thirties, was a mother of two children.

This was her sole income and occupation, although she remained coy about precisely what her income was.

But at one stage she used to organise shows for 20 or 30 men at up to 200 a time, and Mr Mosley often paid her around 500 'depending on the service'.

Her evidence described china cheap nfl jerseys what she referred to as 'the spanking scene' or the BDSM scene.

She had been involved in BDSM (Bondage discipline, Dominance and submission, Sado Masochism) for all her adult life. Likewise CP (corporal punishment).

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